Friday, March 25, 2011


I have just recently started a new job a new job that I consider to be a "BIG GIRL" job. I call it that because its my first full time have to wake up early and be here from 8-5 everyday of the week. I have had jobs before that I had to be there sometimes early and wouldn't leave till late but never 5 days a week. I really like my new job and I really enjoy the people that I work with I maybe the youngest and have nothing really in common with them but that makes it more fun because when we aren't busy we sit around and talk about alot of different stuff. This week has been kinda slow so I have been spending most of my time on the Internet reading peoples blog my sister who I use to make fun of for reading peoples blogs that she does not even know has rubbed off on me ( <-my sisters blog. So I am now addicted to reading blogs about people and their adoption stories. I would love for one day to have children of my own but if I am in a part in my life and my husband wants to after we have had children I would love to adopt a child and give them a chance that they may never have. One of the blogs I have been of yesterday is it is an awesome story about a couple Lyndsie and her husband Daniel that can not have kids and they are waiting to get to adopt a baby. The second blog I started reading was this is a lady who unlike Daniel and Lyndsie are wanting to adopt Lisa was on the other end, she was the mother who was giving her daughter up for adoption. Yeah it is a little sad to read but its neat to read and see how the baby is now doing and the relationship that Lisa has made with the adoption family. The last "sad" blog I have been reading is its a couple who had a child of their own but died shortly after being born. They have already adopted a little boy and they are in the process of their second adoption. I don't only read sad blogs I also found one that I am not so sure how I found it but its a happy one about a couple who are expecting their first child. Yeah I am a little crazy for reading peoples stuff that I don't know but it helps pass the time while I'm not busy.

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