Thursday, June 23, 2011


I love reading other peoples blogs. I read peoples that I know, people I've met one time and people I'll never meet in my life. I like reading about peoples life's and the different things that people go through. My friend Kristie has a blog( and I thought I would just look at the people that she follows to see if I would want to read any of their blogs. Well for some reason I always end up picking the sad ones. So I have started reading its about a 15 year old girl who has been living with cancer for 4 years and she has made a bucket list of things she wants to do before she dies....yes sad I know but she has such a positive outlook on life. It made me think about how I complain about the smallest stuff in life and hello the girl is 15 and dying of cancer and you don't see her complaining. So starting tomorrow because I have already complained today..oops, my goal is to try and go all weekend with out complaining about one thing, my family readimg this will probably laugh and think I wont do it but I'm determined...HOPE I CAN DO IT :)

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